🎭 Ready, Set, Story: Mastering the Art of Spontaneous Communication with Christopher Miller


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Beyond UX Design's mission is to give you the tools you need to be a truly effective UX designer by diving into the soft skills they won't be teaching you in school or a boot camp. These skills are critical to your success.

Uncover the critical distinction between knowing how to tell stories and being prepared to deliver them when it counts. Learn practical strategies for spontaneous storytelling and explore how improv techniques can elevate your UX communication skills.

What if all your storytelling skills went out the window the moment you needed them most?

Ever had that moment where you KNEW exactly what to say... 5 minutes after the meeting ended? 🤦‍♂️

You could master all the storytelling techniques and still fail miserably.

It doesn't matter how many courses you've taken, how many books you've read, or how many YouTube videos you've watched.

When the moment strikes and you choke, you're toast. 🍞

But first, check out this week's sponsor:


With Wix Studio, you can quickly adapt designs for every device, reuse assets, my favorite, export from Figm, and much more.

So how do you make sure you'll be ready?

The fact is those critical storytelling skills everyone is telling you about won't be worth very much if you're not ready to put them to good use when it matters most.

Whether it’s that important presentation or that random conversation with a stakeholder, you need to be ready to jump in and use those storytelling skills.

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When it comes to this type of thing, I couldn’t think of anyone better than the one and only Christopher Miller. Christopher Miller is obsessed with stories. He is a senior experience designer at EA Frostbite, a comic book nerd, and an improv student.

Needless to say, Chris knows a thing or two about telling stories on the fly. This week, he joins me to discuss how he stays prepared to share those stories at a moment’s notice.

Don’t miss it!

Ready, Set, Story: Mastering...
Mar 12 · Beyond UX Design
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🎯 Here are some key takeaways from our chat

1️⃣ Master your physical presence to enhance your mental state: Your body language and posture directly affect your ability to think and communicate clearly. Consider standing during presentations to maintain good posture and regulate your breathing.

2️⃣ Transform nervous energy into focused preparation: Channel that energy rather than attempting to eliminate nerves. Jot down key points, practice your delivery, and engage in pre-presentation rituals to enhance confidence and readiness.

3️⃣ Build a foundation of deep listening: The key to spontaneous communication isn't just about what you say and how well you listen. Practice active listening to understand context better, pick up on subtle cues, and respond more effectively in the moment.

4️⃣ Embrace silence as a tool for impact: Learn to use strategic pauses to gather your thoughts, emphasize key points, and convey confidence. Don’t shy away from silence; it’s a powerful resource in your communication toolkit.

5️⃣ Build a support system for high-stakes moments: Cultivate relationships with colleagues who can offer context, feedback, and insights about your audience before important presentations. This network serves as your backstage crew, helping to ensure you're ready.


Pick up Jeff White's Storytelling Toolkit! Use BEYONDUX at checkout to get 10% off Jeff’s Storytelling course to influence your team and advance your UX career.

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Learn the things they left off the syllabus.

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Join 6,000+ designers improving their soft skills, weekly!

Beyond UX Design's mission is to give you the tools you need to be a truly effective UX designer by diving into the soft skills they won't be teaching you in school or a boot camp. These skills are critical to your success.